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Win2000 Ntldr Is MissingNTLDR is missing Your system is running Windows 2000 or WinXP on a FAT 32 Partition This is a rough draft. Rename Ultra.sys to Ntbootdd.sys for Promise ATA/100 Controller. As one User recently pointed out, "Make sure there is no floppy in the floppy drive if your system is set to boot from a floppy!" Problem: If the active partition does not contain the Windows boot files (ntldr, NTDETECT.COM & boot.ini) or boot files for another operating system (Win98SE on FAT32 active partition), your system will not boot but instead be caught in an endless repetitive loop. HD is probably OK but the O/S may have lost it's Boot Partition Files. If you have seen this statement above when boot your Win2000 Workstation. These files are on your Win2000 CD which is a Bootable CD. Boot your system with the Win2000 CD. Copy those files to a floppy, then boot the floppy. If that fails, read on. How to Create a Bootable Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition *** Rename Ntldr to Setupldr.bin. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Documentation Changing Active Partition Can Make Your System Unbootable Differences Between Manual and Fast Repair in Windows *** When was the last time you checked to make sure your Windows 2000 ERD worked? Then how do you know it will work? For that matter, did the Recovery Console leave you in the lurch? Not ready to shell out $400.00 for an ERD Utility? Did your Setup Disks also leave you asking why, what happened? After having spent 6 hours piddling with this, we hope these notes will help save you some time and grief. Using a Win98SE Boot Disk, boot the PC and take a look @ the HD Root to see if those (3) files are there. Everything appears to be there except those (3) files which are required for Windows 2000 to boot successfully. You'll need to either have made a backup of those files to a floppy or have access to a similarly configured Windows 2000 installation. See: How To Create Win2000 Boot Floppy. Even if you follow the steps described, it still may not work. We had to copy those (3) files from a floppy back to the HD to work. Since they're hidden, we worked from a Win98SE Boot Floppy. Get a note pad and get ready to get familiar with the Attrib command.
Place these (3) files onto a secondary floppy. Insert this secondary floppy into the floppy drive. You'll understand in a minute. Read all of this before proceeding to see if any of this is applicable to your given situation. Type: dir c:/p If data structures appear OK, then proceed as follows: If you did not do this on the other PC, from here @ the A:\ prompt: Type: attrib -s -h ntldr ENTER. Type: attrib -s -h ntdetect.com ENTER. Type: attrib -s -h boot.ini ENTER. Copy A:\*.* C: ENTER. Ntldr, NTDETECT.COM & boot.ini should now be on your HD in the Root Directory. Now we have to reset those file attributes as follows. Type: attrib +s +h ntldr ENTER. Type: attrib +s +h ntdetect.com ENTER. Type: attrib +s +h boot.ini ENTER. Double check your handy work while you're here. Type: attrib ntldr ENTER. Type: attrib ntdetect.com ENTER. Type: attrib boot.ini ENTER. Now remove the boot floppy and reboot your PC. See why we used doskey?
Restoring Ntldr (Preferable):Are you hosed? Maybe not. Here's what we've documented on Windows 2000 running FAT32. You'll need a Win98SE Boot Disk. Did you ever create that when you were running Win98SE? Great, otherwise you'll need some help. Just Boot that Disk to the DOS prompt. If you'd rather stay in Win2000, get ready to take a trip to the Windows 2000 Recovery Console. You'll need your Administrator Password for that trip! Don't bother with sys c: If Ntldr Missing, it won't do any good. Sys C: does not restore the NT boot loader (NTLDR). It only restores the Windows 98 system files (Config.sys, MSDOS.sys, etc.). Boot your Win98SE Floppy Disk and type: fdisk /mbr
One way - How to restore NTLDRAs previously mentioned, you'll need the files
ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini from a working Win2000 installation, the
files are hidden on the root folder, usually c: drive.
Another Option:Try booting to your Win98 Floppy and type
"FDISK /MBR". SYS does not restore the NT boot loader (NTLDR).
It only restores the Windows 98 system files (Config.sys, MSDOS.sys,
etc.). You could also try repairing your Win2K server installation off of
the CD. This should overwrite just your system files, and not any programs
or saved data. If all else fails, FDISK, FORMAT, reinstall. If you prefer or have to go with the Win2000 Recovery Console, you'll see the following: Windows 2000 Setup Screen Boot From CD - Press Enter for Yes. Next step:
Understanding the Windows 2000 Emergency Repair Process
Recovery Console Microsoft
Windows 2000 Server Documentation:
ntldr Your Sam file is located: C:\WINNT\system32\config We suggest either making a backup of this file or just make sure you have your Administrators Password handy. You just never know when you might need it! The Windows 2000 Recovery Console will require
your Administrator Password. If that's not an option, then reinstalling
everything may be your only hope. Unless you prefer a Password
Recovery Tool. They go from $70.00 by email to $400.00 by snail mail
for a CD.
Update (12/2/2003):Another possible reason for this behavior could be Drive Geometry & FAT32. This occurs when changing the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) which could affect changing the way the HD is read by the new System Bios Resources.
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- Posted 04/14/2001; Updated