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802.11b Wireless LAN Technologies:
IEEE 802.11 is a shared, wireless local area
network (LAN) standard. Wireless Topology.
Wireless LAN News & Security Updates:
309369 - How to Make Your 802.11b Wireless Home Network More Secure:
www.intel.com - Wireless Security Resource Center: (2/17/2004).
group bulks up CNET News.com: "The WiMax Forum has more
than doubled in size with the addition of service companies from the
United States and wireless gear makers from Europe and Asia. Wi-Max,
or 802.16, aims to replace last-mile wiring." (1/15/2004)
Home: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
- Wi-Fi Protected Access: www.extremetech.com
- Keeping Your Wireless Network Secure: "Of 500 firms
recently polled by Jupiter Research, less than half have implemented
Security Solutions for their Wireless Networks." (10/10/2003).
Corporation - Wireless Computing Strategies: (10/8/2003).
- PC Client Helps Those Desperately Seeking WiFi: (9/10/2003).
- Popular Wireless Local Area Networks Gain Large Boost in Speed:
"New IEEE 802.11g™ Standard Extends Data Rate of IEEE
802.11b™ WLANs to 54 Mbps from 11 Mbps." (6/16/2003)
Engineering Times - Asia - Windows XP download boosts 802.11 security:
"Microsoft Corp. has released for download a free patch that adds
WiFi Protected Access (WPA) to both consumer and business versions of
its Windows XP OS. WPA offers an interim boost in security for 802.11
networks while the 802.11i standards effort continues its work.
WPA uses two 128-bit keys for authentication
and those keys can be dynamically generated. Existing 802.11 security
only uses one static key." (4/2/2003)
- Download
details Windows XP Support Patch for Wireless Protected Access
- www.pcmag.com
- Making the Move to 80211.g Wireless LANs: (4/2/2003)
- Wireless
News Intel Drives Wireless Broadband Adoption:
"Intel, preparing for the imminent launch of its Centrino mobile
chipset technology, has linked up with T-Mobile to promote the
carrier's high-speed wireless Internet service." (3/6/2003)
- Wi-Fi
Technology Forum - wireless networks & networking
- eWeek.com
- Going to the Edge With WLANs (1/21/2003).
- From Racy
Sanford: Yahoo!
News - Expert Alleged Wi-Fi Risks Are Nonsense (1/21/2003).
- cioinsight.com:
Wireless Network Security Published July 19,
2002 (8/12/2002).
WECA Wrestles With Wi-Fi (4/8/2002).
Security: Funk
Software Acquires Trilogy -- www1.internetwire.com (1/28/2002).
- Powering the heart of the wireless community (1/8/2002).
Barry Woolbright: HardwareCentral.com
- News - Intel Announces 54Mbps Wireless 802.11a Products - 802.11b
Successor To Ship in November - (Wed 9/12/01).

Wireless LAN Technologies:
- www.80211-Planet.com
- Agilent
Wireless Technologies Bluetooth Portal
- Apple -
- Atheros
Wireless LAN, 5-GHz, 802.11a, Radio-on-a-Chip, WLAN, ...
- The
Official Bluetooth Wireless Info
- Enterasys
Wireless Solutions RoamAbout
Standards Products Catalog Wireless (802.11)
- Intel.com:
IEEE 802.11b High Rate Wireless Local Area Networks
- Intel
PRO/Wireless LAN Products -
- Microsoft.com:
Wireless Technology
- net
stumbler dot com - Net
Stumbler . com - Proudly Stumbling a Street Near You
and Protecting 802.11b Wireless Networks
- NetworkComputing.com:
Network Computing Feature Infrastructure 802.11b solutions Wireless
LANs Work Their Magic Page 1 06-10-00 (July
10, 2000).
- NetworkComputing.com:
Wireless LANs Work Their Magic Page 7 July 10, 2000
(July 10, 2000).
- SFLan - - Your
megabit ISP - SFLan is an experimental megabit (wireless LAN) ISP
in San Francisco.
- WLANA Wireless
LAN Association
BuildOrBuy Related Topics:
- Broadband
Home Networking
- Wireless, Automation & Wiring Technologies
LAN Security