Windows TCP/IP Tweak Settings:
Broadband Internet Connection optimization...
Having difficulties with Broadband throughput?
Maybe Win2000 requires a little help? All of these parameter are set in
the Registry. Travel @ your own risk. With that having been said, let's
take a look! We have a few Tools to use which make this process less
painful. As always, we are not responsible for your results if you mess
(Maximum Transmission Unit) The largest packet size that can be
transmitted over the network. Messages longer than the MTU value must be
divided into smaller packets by the communications protocol (TCP/IP).
& NBT Configuration Parameters for Windows 2000-NT
Key: Adapter Name \Parameters\Tcpip
NOTE : In Windows 2000 and later this value is under the following key:
Key: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ ID for Adapter
Value Type: REG_DWORD Number
Valid Range: 68 - the MTU of the underlying network
Default: 0xFFFFFFFF
Description: This parameter overrides the default Maximum Transmission
Unit (MTU) for a network interface. The MTU is the maximum packet size in
bytes that the transport will transmit over the underlying network. The
size includes the transport header. Note that an IP datagram may span
multiple packets. Values larger than the default for the underlying
network will result in the transport using the network default MTU. Values
smaller than 68 will result in the tranport using an MTU of 68."
(Receive WINdow) A TCP/IP setting in Windows defining buffer
size which holds incoming packets. RWIN is also set in the Registry as is
MTU values.
If you'd like to take a closer peek to see the
MTU & RWIN Registry values, call up regedit.exe, navigate to:
- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\
You will see: TcpWindowSize
- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\
Now you'll need to determine which of these
locations has your LAN Adapter to adjust the MTU value. No Can see?
RWIN & MTU are easier to set correctly from
someone who's "Been There And Done That!"
This info may also prove helpful to those using IPSwitch,
WS_FTP - Receive
error blocking call canceled. MTU settings can also affect this
application's behavior.
For those of us who just
want to set these values and move on:
- Select: RWIN - rwin2k-l.reg (Windows 2000 Registry File).
IF you need help manually adjusting the RWIN value
use this:
Use the command line ping.exe to determine
optimal MTU Settings. Open a DOS Window. See Microsoft KB article Q159211
on using PING tool to determine MTU (see More Information Section). We
found the following results for our use. Your results may vary. Check and
ping -f -n 10 -l 1472 host_or_IP
ping -f -n 10 -l 1472
ping -f -n 10 -l 1462
ping -f -n 10 -l 1464
ping -f -n 10 -l 1465 xxx Too
ping -f -n 10 -l 1464 - Just Right!
Once you know this MTU value, here's an
application to use for setting this without fumbling around in the
Click on MTU Tool Download. Follow the

Better alternative, use: DrTCP
Background Research:
Our magic MTU Number Value for Ethernet
Broadband on Win2000 = 1500 (1472 or less for Broadband Ethernet
use as shown above.) Test and tweak as needed.
Recommended Values
- 576
- Dial-up Connections
- 1492
- PPPoE Broadband Connections
- 1500
- Ethernet, DSL and Cable Broadband Connections
Softworks - IPNetTuner for Windows: "IPNetTuner
supports over 16 adjustable parameters including the TCP Window Size,
Time Out intervals, Selective ACK (SACK) settings, and MTU. It also
provides a convenient test tool so that you can immediately observe
the results after adjusting specific parameters. The Link Rate tool is
specifically designed to ensure that you are getting the throughput
claimed by your ISP." (3/30/2003).
- How
to Reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in Windows XP:
Core Component -
"In extreme cases, reinstalling
the Internet Protocol stack may be the most appropriate solution. With
the NetShell utility, you can now reset the TCP/IP stack back to a
pristine state, to the same state as when the operating system was
- 301041
- HOW TO Install NetBEUI on Windows XP:
Not supported but available if you insist on using!
- Windows
2000 Server TCP-IP Core Networking Guide Glossary
- Default
MTU Size for Different Network Topology
& NBT Configuration Parameters for Windows 2000-NT
- Table
of Contents from Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP-IP Protocols and Services
Technical Reference
Routing Basics for Windows NT:
The Route Table
Windows 2000 Tweaks
Windows Registry Guide - Change the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
Size (Windows NT-2000-XP)
- Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for Microsoft Windows 2000
- Increasing
TCP Receive Window for Microsoft Windows
- Cable
Modems & xDSL Registry Tweaks
- Cable
Modems & xDSL Speed Patches and Programs
- Windows
MaxMTU Fix - InfiniSource, Inc.
- Rose City Software Collection - InfiniSource, Inc.
and MSS
; Internet
- Receive error blocking call canceled:
Bogus! Our Take - USE a different FTP application!
- Multiple PORT command errors:
Our Take - USE a different FTP application!
- Changing the MTU setting to 576:
"Blocking called Cancelled" errors on Win95/98.
- WSPCancelBlockingCall:
Platform SDK: Windows Sockets - TCP/IP programming from
Our experience with Blocking called Cancelled" errors using WS_FTP
after having communicated with Ipswitch Tech Support dictates getting a
NEW FTP application! We recommend FTP Voyager,
Award Winning FTP Client - Viola! Problem solved!