BuildOrBuy Group
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Internet Explorer Problems & Solutions
We've Encountered & Documented:
to Remove ISP Name from IE Title Bar:
Open regedit.exe (Start, Run, regedit), then Browse to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main
If this exists, delete the value "WindowTitle (or Window
Title)" to reset IE back to it's Default. Or, modify the value as
customized versions of Internet Explorer V. 5.5:
Are you having a problem with Internet
Explorer version 5.5 where a blank screen is displayed when
a new window is opened? Follow the link below. You may be running a
customized version of the IE 5.5 Browser.
Since RR has decided below NOT to be
helpful to the rest of us Netizens anymore, get the regular IE 5.5
from Microsoft (3/29/2002).
Customize Internet Explorer 5:
Fixing the Graphic & Registry.
Graphic -
"Dump two graphic files from the "C:program
filesInternet ExplorerSIGNUP" folder..."
- Branding-Internet Explorer:
"The animated throbber..."