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Gill Boyd, Leader of the BuildOrBuy Special Interest Group of HAL-PC, is a seminar speaker, editor, computer journalist / consultant - a computer systems analyst in personal computers for the SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) environment, and was a beta site tester for Win95 and other computer products. His previous experience includes Newsletter Editor of CSN NEWS, a Christian newsletter, and as a PC systems builder and trouble shooter of multimedia systems.
His volunteer efforts at HAL-PC include: Previously served as Vice-President - Programs of HAL-PC (Houston Area League of PC Users) - largest PC user group in the world; and Leader of the BuildOrBuy Group. He previously served as leader of four other SIGs (Special Interest Groups):
Beginning Windows 95 Classes
He is the past HAL-PC Representative to APCUG (Association of PC User Groups) at COMDEX! A dedicated professional seeking to serve and educate those interested in being a part of Learning & Implementing Technology. Available for Presentations and Consultation.
A very knowledgeable and interesting speaker, Gill works very hard to maintain proficiency in the latest technology, both hardware and software, in order that he may share it with others.
Note: This biographical sketch was NOT written by Gill
Courtesy of Tom Lassiter, Esquire!
Mr. Gill Boyd, Editor, Journalist - Writer, Web Developer, Consultant & occasional Meeting Planner - Email to: Gill Boyd. Remove '_NoSpam_' before sending.
© 1992, 1994, 1995-97, 2000-2001, Build
Or Buy Group Network News!
Web Development, Gill
Boyd & Team
- Updated 09-10-2001; Revised